As some of you know, I entertain lots of theories about why Resonant Attention works. But one seems natural, which is that humans co-resonate; we match frequencies. When we hang out together, we synch up. We see this with women’s menstrual cycles. It’s a possible alternate theory about contagion. There’s even a designation for people who co-resonate especially well: Empaths.
Healers co-resonate, too, though perhaps because we have learned how to hold a ground that preferences health. Maybe when a client comes to see us the implicit agreement is that everybody’s gathered for greater health and so that’s what transpires. Our frequencies do a little dance and then settle into into a higher octave together. Or perhaps the archetype of the wounded healer is at play: We hold a healed frequency for others because we’ve embodied it.
Then, of course, there are ‘Motilities,’ the visual cues IMT practitioners offer with allowance into their clients’ fields. Does this work because that generates a frequency with which the patient can co-resonate? If you don’t know what a motility is, take the class starting this Thursday. It’ll be three consecutive Thursdays at 10am EST (75 minutes each; $150) and there are still spots left. Technical hint: Click on the blue bar to sign up.
One way to prep for the class is to read an article that came out yesterday in The Defender. By Rob Verker, it’s called Frequencies, Part 1: Was Einstein Right about the Future of Medicine?
PS - If you waited until March 1st to sign up for an online session and feel that you didn’t get one, you were probably just too early since I had technical difficulties and didn’t get them up until closer to midnight. There are still some left.
PSS - The photo below is me co-resonating with Schuyler Brown, who writes The Art of Emergence.
Loved co-resonating with you!
Re: frequency and theory of contagion: Within a short time of hanging up the phone with a close friend but geographically hours away, I caught her cold/flu !