I offer these case studies in order to align you to the healing possibilities that open up when we understand consciousness to be the prima materia. Mostly, I am describing what happens as my imagination interacts with ‘the field.’ In an in-person treatment, this is what guides my hands to apply resonant attention, allowance, and light touch to the client’s fully-clothed body; online, I am just applying attention and allowance and ask the person to place their hands on different locations on the body. Everything I describe is profoundly different than allopathic medical treatment and even most bodywork.
Helena presented for an online appointment a little late and scattered. She didn’t seem to know where to look, as if she was using multiple screens or perhaps had a problem with her vision. Since she hadn't taken my class before, I began with a little introduction to Resonant Attention:
“We are going to augment the body’s capacity to heal by first figuring out where it is working right now to heal you so that we can join in there, augmenting the body’s own efforts and intelligences. When I scan your body, I get drawn to C7, which seems overly prominent and also T10/T11, which seem twisted and also to have scar tissue tying it closely into your right shoulder.”
“Yes,” Helena confirmed, “There has been something going on for a long time with my neck. And that thoracic area you identified is where a chiropractor forcibly adjusted me and threw off my shoulder. And I also just fell on my right shoulder recently, as if my body were letting me know that it was time to fix that area.”
We agreed that the T10/11 area would be the best place to start. Since Helena had a history of being an energy worker, she flowed very easily into paying attention to that area.
“Now just sit behind yourself a little bit,” I suggested and was delighted to see her body slip right into processing.
“Oh! Wow!” she exclaimed. “That really gets things going!”