The implications of a quantum universe can guide the healing of the planet.
We are one. The recognition of our connectedness is the first step. It reminds us that every individual action is important. Every kindness, every act of reverence, every loving action will sow the seeds of healing into the field.
Be medicine. Being present is to be healed, which, in turn, is healing. But many of us are too traumatized to simply be, let alone be medicine. Healing your trauma is therefore crucial for healing the planet. Because of our oneness, your healing will be the planet’s medicine.
Attend to the small. Once you can be, you can be the planet’s medicine in all the tiny choices. These will have outsized impacts on the field we share.
Love one another, as I love you. A quantum statement if ever there was one.
Beautiful ; thanks
I love you Stella! I’ve been contemplating upon the essential fabric of connectedness a lot lately. And on how much emotions matter, and not to try to evolve or change them into something but to simply feel them, not running away. I see in so many ways how emotion is mishandled, misunderstood, made petty and demonized from all angles of society. To honor the emotion that comes - neither suppressing nor manically doing to appease it, is to me the opening into presence. And then it changes….just like that. When I lean in enough, it is always love that glows up from under all the debris. We need each other♥️