Healing is as inherent to the experience of being embodied as a human on planet Earth as breathing. We heal. We can’t help it. Even as we consume chemicals and guzzle endocrine disruptors, even as we inject ourselves with mRNA disruptors, even as we blast blue light into our pineal glands, even as we limit our life-giving contact with each other, even as we breathe car exhaust and swallow nanoparticles, yet we heal.
Furthermore, we heal each other. Every encounter that we have is healing. When we sit with a friend over tea and listen deeply to their concerns, both parties walk away feeling lighter. When we place a hand on a child’s knee, the sting of scraped skin lessens. When we come together with our hearts open to each other, the earth and trees resonate with our love and all expand in health. The act of visiting the bedside of a dying loved one evaporates old wounds. Even when we fight, we liberate the possibility of healing.
Healing is so quotidian to our experience that we almost can’t see it. We black magic ourselves into believing that healing only happens in hospitals, in doctor’s offices, subsequent to drug store visits. Everything else doesn’t count. It’s make believe. It’s a dangerous fantasy that could kill someone.
Mi culo.
Healing is ours. It is as near as our very own hands and our very own hearts. With these plus the simple tools of conscious awareness we can repair vessels, mend torn muscles, realign bones, clean up emotional debris, resolve trauma, and even reach back into time and soothe family and cultural patterns that keep us on our knees. And we don’t need x-rays and blood tests to diagnose these things, either. The human capacity to perceive and respond to the informational field around us is real and growing.
How does consciousness heal itself? Through attention and allowance. And that simple formula is empowered by ritual. Allopathy is also a matter of ritual, but allopathy doesn’t understand this about itself, nor does it countenance it’s place as one of many specialties in a panoply of valid healing ritual endeavors. It’s a gifted but indulged baby brother whose ego has become quite a nuisance. And it’s allyship with technology, given life through hyper-concentrated rituals of separation, creates a dark duo indeed, a white-coated boogeyman busy imprisoning angels with the lie that healing is its alone. It’s time to lift our eyes away from that fractal.
As a ground upon which to build a new understanding of medicine, Interbeing is fertile. It’s actually not like a ground at all, but more like the sea. It’s an ocean of wave and possibility and relationship in which healers interpenetrate each other, barely able to contain their divine gifts. La mar de medicina.
To learn to surf with the vast powers to heal that comprise our inheritance, we first have to build the muscles of balance, focus, and flow. We do this through meditation, practice, and cultivating the felt sense. Imagination becomes an essential tool, as does intuition, the intelligence of the heart, which draws knowledge from both brain and gut.
With these simple gifts, we can create bona fide miracles—but our liberation requires our bravery. To move into flow, we have to become radically okay with change and quantum possibility, which holds in its ken all outcomes. In order to heal in Interbeing, we have to make peace with the transcendent notions that death might be the most beautiful outcome, that illness has something to teach us, that we are not in control. You can’t turn on the faucet of flow if you need to restrict certain water molecules. Imagine trying to surf while dictating which wavelets can lift you. The dryness of your experience might even make it seem as if there were no sea at all.
It’s paradoxical that countenancing sickness and death make healing more possible, but that’s la mar de medicina. She also challenges us to step into shining health. What will have to change for your to embody fullest vibrancy? What do you need to give up? Alternately, can you make peace with the way things are? In the vast mystery that is our experience here, there is no ‘right’ and ‘wrong,’ only more and more and more ways to love ourselves.
WOW! So beautifully written. I have to read this one a few times over 💛
This essay is, itself, such powerful medicine. I hope it is shared widely Stella. Thank you so much for your gifts. 🙏