Splashed across my website is the formula “Attention plus allowance equals miracle." This boils my offering down to its core: When we pay attention in our bodies and lean back into a trusting ‘allow’ attitude, then our tissues can repair themselves in a way that refutes mainstream medicine’s strict materialism and can therefore be seen as a ‘miracle.’
There is so much that’s good and astonishing to be gleaned from this understanding. Yes, we can augment our body’s healing capacity! Yes, conditions we thought were untouchable can be cured with simple methods! Yes, you have far more power in your healthcare journey than perhaps you thought!
What I don’t mean to suggest by my tagline, however, is that the healing miracle you want will be winnable and that for-sure you’ll receive your preconceived and narrowly defined idea of a what healing must look like. It just doesn’t work that way.
Here is what you will get:
You will align with your body’s natural healing capacity.
You will attune to yourself in profound and intimate ways.
You will open the door to deep healing.
You will come into relationship with your inner child.
You will reskill medicine for yourself and your loved ones.
You will enjoin the mystery.
And when you do these things, you may also receive a bona fide, grace-ripen experience of the sort that people associate with the M-word. But I guarantee it won’t come the way you wanted or expected. And it it may even come with detours and dead ends, sometimes literal.
It’s not that I believe we’re locked in by ‘fate’ or ‘destiny.’ In fact, I’m pretty sure that we can change those things by choosing to do the hard work or consider the tough questions, face the fears or have the conversations, and, above all, by staying present as we metabolize our old traumas. It’s just that I think our souls are in charge.
Yes, I agree so completely with this message. You summed it up beautifully by ending with "I just believe that our Souls are in charge". Thank you very much.
Mary Anne Regan