If I had to distill the essence of what I’ve learned from my long study of health and well-being, it would be this: Support the body.
When we get sick, rest. When we cut ourselves, clean the wound. When we are emotionally hurt, listen. In other words, optimize the ground conditions for healing and then let the body do what it does best. This is obviously not rocket science, but how many MDs determine if you’re getting the right nutrition, or have a safe place to sleep before they offer you a costly intervention?
The injunction to ‘Do No Harm,’ should begin with offering mini interventions that align with the body’s own processes. Instead, mainstream medicine fights the body, convinced it is stupid, broken, and badly in need of rescuing, like a toxic boyfriend. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our bodies are intelligent, wise, and waiting for us to step into the role of allies.
I encourage people to support the body in the most basic way: By increasing the efficacy of the parasympathetic nervous system, the body’s healing mode. When we hold attention and allowance where the body is already healing, we flow downstream with an already rushing river. These tools are so gentle that the body can easily opt out. This respect for the body’s wisdom and choice is a key component of medicine in Interbeing.
If you’d like to learn simple ways to support your body in healing itself, please join my 1.5 hour-long Re-Skilling Medicine Mini Class. We’ll cover 3 basic bodywork techniques that every sick person and caregiver should know. This could be a fun thing to do with family members over the holiday weekend!
What: Re-Skilling Medicine Mini Class
Where: Zoom - You’ll receive a link once you sign up
When: November 25th, 11am - 1pm EASTERN
How much: $60.
We also have a group practice session coming up on Wednesday, November 22 at 12pm Eastern. This is hour-long offering is for those wanting to play and practice with one another. $30. No experience necessary.
Perhaps most importantly, I would like to point out something that some of you have already figured out: I have invited my gifted colleague, Zach Evans, to offer his services through my website. You can sign up for individual sessions with either of us through the offerings page on my website.
PS - Paid Subscribers will be invited to join a conversation with Hand-in-Hand Parenting practitioner Roma Norris on December 9th at 11am Eastern.
Hi Stella, will a recording be available for the mini class, and also for the Roma Norris call? I am interested in both, but Saturdays are difficult. I love Roma, so excited you will be speaking with her!
Hi Stella. Thank you for that session, I found it helpful. I noticed it was being recorded. Will it be available to view again anywhere? Many thanks! X