Thank you for this- after looking into tara approach I am feeling some extra synchronicity enthusiasm for I’ve been spending some time studying the dynamics of, and practicing, mudra lately. I had been finding myself performing certain hand movements and gestures during my dance practice over the years that felt particularly powerful and important- like a key body movement for healing. Often when the position was just right I would sense a shift in my being, sometimes a release or a recognition. This feels really relevant for me. I will have to watch the recording as I have a prior commitment at that time.

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Jul 4, 2023·edited Jul 4, 2023

How do I sign up? The link doesn't lead anywhere.

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this is what I found and for me it worked:

"Email TheTARA.Approach@gmail.com with subject line “RESKILL MEDICINE” and we will send you the zoom link!"

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Sorry I didn't see this yesterday when I was logged in. I emailed too late at the top of the hour. Thanks, anyway.

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Hi. I just joined the community and missed this. Is there a recording I can watch?

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Can we access a recording? I just joined your substack today!

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