Loved this. I have been doing daily cold showers for a while and it helps quite miraculously with depression. But now you're making me want to get one of those tubs - it sounds more pleasant (although maybe that's the wrong word, lol). Wild water is the best, but last time I was so cold it was hard to get my clothes back on, so I'm a little scared to try again.

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I was going to comment with almost the exact same experience!! I have been doing cold showers as well and it has been incredible. And now I am also interested in a tub. I did plunge into some ice cold mountain water one time. That was delicious.

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This: "I am woman; watch me freeze" I am so freaking inspired by you and the other amazing women who are curious and participating in this cold plunging thing. It feels so masculine; I felt like it wasn't my realm to indulge in. But alas, I have been taking cold showers for a couple years now and I find it extremely healing. Every time I step into that blast of cold water my mantra has been, "I am the decider of this. I am choosing this." So empowering.

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Thanks for the reminder to get back to this practice!

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Also, just curious Stella, how long you plunge for each day? thanks.

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Thank you.

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