Jul 8, 2022Liked by Stella Osorojos Eisenstein

Wow. It is hard to imagine a more beautiful, powerful or succinct summary of this deep truth so many of us feel than has been offered here. This opportunity has been missed time and again on every continent. Indeed, in almost every household in the western educated world, including my own. Grateful for these invitations and reminders. The grace so many of our indigenous sisters and brothers offer up still, in the face of all this uncounted suffering, is the ultimate reflection of earth-love in practice. Thank you Stella. Can’t wait to hear about your journey and what you learn. 🙏

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Jul 8, 2022Liked by Stella Osorojos Eisenstein

Beautifully and simply said. Safe travels Dear Stella.


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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Stella Osorojos Eisenstein

Love where you are going Stella, in every context.

I have done ceremony with Peruvians in the mountains in which I dwell.

Yes, interbeing. Looking forward to your next post and resonate attention workshop

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